neljapäev, 30. juuni 2016

3. päev - 26. juuni 2016

     Päev algas väga palavalt, väljas oli ligi 34 kraadi. Hommikusöögiks olid pannkoogid ning need olid tõeliselt head! Pärast hommikusööki pidime üles otsima Lorena, Hispaania liidri. Pärast leidmist toimus meeskonnamäng. Üheks osaks oli ka tubade ning põhiruumi koristamine. Kui see tehtud, algasid mängud tehnoloogia ja nutitelefonide teemal.
Rühmadel tuli koostada jällegist plakateid ning neid hiljem teistele presenteerida. Suureks rolliks on ka eneseanalüüs ning analüüs läbi mängude. Toimusid improvisatsioonimängud, kus eesseisvad vabatahtlikud pidid vestlema teemadel, mida publik neile hõikas.

Väga palava ilma tõttu toimusid väljas veemängud, mis hõlmasid ka veepomme. See oli väga lõbus ning jahutav kõigi jaoks. Olgugi, et plaanis oli minna õhtul ujuma, jäi see ära väga tugeva vihmahoo ning äikesetormi tõttu, kuid sellest ei olnudki midagi – noored läksid välja vihma kätte tantsima ning hullama.

The day started very hot, 34°C. In the morning we ate pancakes and they were very delicious. After breakfast we needed to find Lorena (Spanish leader). With Lorena we played the team-building game. We cleaned all the rooms. Then we started to play team-building games about technology and smartphones. Then we had to make presentations about our posters. Then we did self-analysing games and learned something new about ourselves. We did improvisation games. We had to have a conversation about what others said to us. We had 30 minutes to prepare practical performances about how no to use smartphones in situations. We did water games with balloons and we had so much fun. Later it was raining very heavily and we had to go inside, so we didn’t go swimming. Instead of that, we danced in the rain and laughed a lot.
We had dinner, chicken balls and potatoes and it was good. We had free evening to dance and talk with each other and play.
It was a fantastic day!
(Annabell and Gloria)

What did you like the most about today?
Gloria: „Water games. Also rain, because we had fun dancing in the rain. It was alright that we didn’t go to swim.
I know now all the names!“
Pablo: „Rain. It never rains so much in Spain. Liked water games.“
Rosa de Juan: „Theatre was the best.“
Did you like the food?
Gloria: „Seljanka and chicken balls were good.“
Pablo: „I liked dinner, but seljanka was a bit spicy.“
What was your favourite moment of today?

Elisabeth: „Sunbathing.“
Rasmus: „Acting.“

What have you learned today?

Mihkel: „Acting.“

Elisabeth: „How to self-analyse.“

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