neljapäev, 30. juuni 2016

5. päev - 28. juuni 2016

Täna on 28. juuni ja selja taga on pikk linnapäev. Pärast hommikusööki istusime bussi ja esimene peatus oli Tõrvandi noortekeskus. Teel sinna me laulsime ja naersime ja meil oli tore bussisõit. Tõrvandi noortekeskuses me rääkisime oma perest ja sõpradest. Nägime tantsu ja noortebändi, kus esinesid ka Mihkel, Anett ja Jan – see oli nii vinge!
Pärast seda istusime taas bussi ja teiseks peatuseks oli Tartu Big Ben’i restoran, kus oli meil maitsev lõuna. Pärast söömist valmistasime kolmesed buddy-tiimid. Oli väga lõbus teha tänavaküsitlust. Mõned inimesed olid rõõmsalt nõus vastama aga mõned neist ei teinud seda heameelega, aga mis sest ikka – võtsime kohe järgmised.
Pärast seda oli meil 4 tundi vaba aega külastada Tartu vanalinna ja poodelda. Mõned meist külastasid ka Tartu Ülikooli ja botaanikaaeda. Õhtusöök oli meil samas kohas kus lõunagi, Big Ben’is. Päeva viimane peatus oli tagasi koju, Mammaste.

Today is the 28 of June and it was city day. After the breakfast we went to have a busride and the first stop was Tõrvandi youth centre. In the bus we were singing and laughing. In youth centre we talked about our friends and family. We saw little girls dancing and youth band playing music (Mihkel, Anett and Jan were also in this band) – it was so cool!
After that we went to the bus and second stop was Tartu – we had lunch in the Big Ben’s restaurant and after that we made teams of three buddy couples. It was very funny to ask questions in the street. Most of the people were nice but some of them didn’t stop. Then we had 4 hours of free time. We did some shopping and and visit old town. We took Pictures at National Geographic’s window and we walked next to the river and some of the group visited botanical garden. We had dinner in the same place where the lunch was. We ate fish and chips. And last stop was Mammaste, back to home.
(Kelli and Sara)

Did you like this day?
Annabell: „Very well, because I had fun. Good and cool people.“
Sara: „Yes, because it was something new and it was funny.“
Davinia: „The city and the shops.“
Mihkel: „Spending time in Tartu was very nice.“
Gloria: „Yes, I saw Tartu and went shopping.“
Elena: „Yes, visiting Tartu was nice.“
What was the bad thing in this day?
Sara: „Everything was okay.“
Davinia: „Lunch.“
Mihkel: „Not so much sauce in the dinner for french fries.“
Gloria: „It was very hot and I was a bit tired.“
Elena: „Nothing.“
Did you have a nice time when you were asking questions in the street?
Annabell: „Yes, because I got to know that Estonians are very friendly.“
Sara: „Yes, it was funny when the people didn’t answer.“
Davinia: „Yes, I had.“
Mihkel: „Yes, because that was very funny. Estonians thought that Estonians weren’t Estonians.“
Gloria: „Yes, it was funny.“
Elena: „Yes, I had.“
Did you buy something from Tartu?
Annabell: „Yes, eyebrow complect.“
Sara: „Yes, T-shirt and food.“
Davinia: „Yes, souvenirs and clothes.“
Mihkel: „Yes, ice-cream.“
Gloria: „Yes, three T-shirts and one pair of shorts.“
Elena: „Yes, souvenirs, clothes and food.“

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