neljapäev, 30. juuni 2016

6. päev - 29. juuni 2016

Tänase päeva esimesse poolde kuulus eilse tänavaküsitluse analüüs ning tulemuste ettekandmine. Esmalt pidid noored ise vastama neile küsimustele, mida nad eile esitasid, ning järgnevalt grupisiseselt andma tagasisidet eilse päeva kohta (kuidas rollid jaotati, mille järgi valiti inimesi tänaval ja nii edasi).
Mäng „Sibulate väljatõmbamine“ osutus väga naerutavaks. Võeti kahte ritta ning meeskonnad pidid üksteisest võimalikult kõvasti kinni hoidma. Vastasmeeskonnast valiti 2 liiget, kes hakkasid nii öelda „sibulaid“ väljatõmbama kõditamise ning tõmbamise teel.
Suureks hitiks kujunes tööturu mäng, kus noored pidid jaotama end kolmeks laudkonnaks. Igale laudkonnale anti kindel summa raha, mille eest nad said pankurilt osta küsimusi. Õigesti vastatud küsimuse eest said nad raha ning võitis see meeskond, kellel kõige rohkem kapitali.
Õhtune Hispaania kultuuriõhtu kujunes väga elavaks. Ettekanded, mängud, muusika, söök – kõik oli esindatud. Õpetati tantse ning keerulisemaid lauseid ütlema.

Today we woke up tired because yesterday we had a city day. We had energisers which woke us up, like game in which we had to swop places with other people. After that, we made a summary of the results we got yesterday. We put together the results of every team and then we did presentation of them.
The next activity was outside. We played two games: "Ninja" and "Harvesting the onions". Last game we had to hold tight to each other in a line and two people from the other team had to break the opponents' line. It was really funny and we had good time, now we are more ready for summer.
After lunch, we played amazing game where we answered questions and collected money (if we answered correctly), and the winner was the team with the most amount of money. There were three teams and every team had some limitations, like not being able to use mobile phones or just being able to speak by texting.
After dinner, we had the Spanish culture evening in which we had a presentation, some Spanish games and we tried Spanish food as well as dancing to popular Spanish songs. After this, we had dancing and more fun. We have a long day ahead of us and more fun!
(Toomas and Marcos)

What did you like the most this day?
Roosi: „Labour market.“
Davinia: „Food.“
Anett: „Labour market.“
Kadri: „Labour market.“
Julia: „The onion game.“
Did you like the onion game?
Davinia: „Yes, because it was funny.“
Anett: „Yes, it was fun.“
Kadri: „Yes, it was funny.“
Julia: „Yes, I liked it.“
Did you have a good teamwork at labour market?
Roosi: „Yes.“
Davinia: „Yes.“
Anett: „Yes, we had.“
Kadri: „Yes, it was cool.“
Julia: „Yes, because we were communicating with Whatsapp and it was cool.“
Did you like the food today?
Roosi: „Yes.“
Davinia: „Yes, very much.“
Anett: „Yes.“
Kadri: „Yes, but the cake was a bit too sweet.“

Julia: „Yes, I liked it very much.“

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